About Us

Traineeprograms.com is leading site with comprehensive information about traineeprograms, graduate programs and management programs. This is run by Abovo Media Group company within Internet media.

We help advertisers to reach out with their message to our visitors through the right media via different sites on the Internet, newsletters, and some print and live channels. We are specialised and target mainly 16 to 45 year olds and have in our network of sites specific packages and verticals towards: Students, Music/Entertainment, Games, Career, Lifestyle and Youth.

Other sites in our network are: Student.se, Festivalinfo.se, MVGPlus.se, Studentlya.nu, StudenterTyckerTill.se, Abandonia.com, Reloaded.org, Skoore.com, Snuttis.se and more.

We help our clients to create and activate campaigns with banners and print advertisement, editorial branding, advertorials, partnerships, integrated feeds, newsletters and competitions.

Contact us

Abovo Media Group
Alingsåsvägen 6
504 38 Borås
Andreas Swahn Andreas Swahn
Managing Director

Tel: +46 33 722 00 00
Fax: +46 33 722 00 22
Mob: +46 70 422 22 01
Email: andreas.swahn@abovomedia.com

Rafiq Ahmed Rafiq Ahmed
Account Manager & Developer

Tel: +46 33 722 00 04
Fax: +46 33 722 00 22
Email: rafiq.ahmed@abovomedia.com

Stevie Harding Stevie Harding
Account Manager & Designer

Tel: +46 33 722 00 03
Fax: +46 33 722 00 22
Email: stevie.harding@abovomedia.com

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